“TEACHING to be”





“Teaching to Be” is a European Policy Experimentation project initiative. The project aims to support school teachers’ career improvement by exploring innovative professional development practices to foster and improve teachers’ professional wellbeing. The project is led by Ministries of Education from Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal and Slovenia, in cooperation with several universities and teams of experts in teacher education and mental wellbeing from 8 countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Austria and Norway.
Teachers’ stress and burnout are major concerns all across Europe and worldwide, causing serious challenges to teachers’ health and the school systems. Moreover, increased focus on social and emotional competences across Europe poses new challenges for teachers in maintaining their own wellbeing and delivering effective teaching.
In order to foster teachers’ professional wellbeing and promote practices to support it, the project will develop and examine a set of innovative professional development measures:

  • An Online Course on Teachers’ Professional Wellbeing, which will help develop teachers’ practical skills for sustaining their wellbeing through self-regulated learning;
  • A Participatory Action Research (PAR) Guide for Schools which will help school communities to work together on school issues, improve professional wellbeing and develop new professional skills for teachers and school leaders.

The project will explore how and to what extent these practices affect teacher’s wellbeing indicators and school level factors. A mixed-methods experimental research, combining a quasi-experimental intervention study (QE) and a qualitative Participatory Action Research (PAR) study in schools will be conducted in 8 countries.
Project actions will involve school teachers, school leaders and other school community members. The outcomes of the project will help promote policies for teachers’ professional wellbeing and will support the systemic teaching and learning of Key-competences in schools.


Project Outputs


  • Talič, S., Zupančič, A., Avguštin, L., Beržanskytė, J., Šukytė, D., Širokova, M., Martinsone, B., Damberga, I., Perševica, A., Ornaghi, V., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., Pacheco, P., Ferreira, M., Reis-Jorge, J., Jensen, M., Rekstad, T., Lillelien, K., Schrank, B., … Cajaraville, A. (2023). Teaching to be: Rumo ao bem-estar: Livro do professor. Teaching to Be & Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. ISBN:978-609-96413-4-8.
  • Talič, S., Zupančič, A., Avguštin, L., Beržanskytė, J., Šukytė, D., Širokova, M., Martinsone, B., Damberga, I., Perševica, A., Ornaghi, V., Cavioni, V., Conte, E., Pacheco, P., Ferreira, M., Reis-Jorge, J., Jensen, M., Rekstad, T., Lillelien, K., Schrank, B., … Cajaraville, A. (2023). Teaching to be: A path to wellbeing. Teacher`s workbook. Teaching to Be & Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. 978-609-96413-0-0.
  • Schrank, B., Dörfler, S., Karrer, H., Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Cavioni, V., Barqueira, A., Pacheco, P., Reis-Jorge, J., Ferreira, M., Baltazar, I., Šukytė, D., Raudienė, I., Žadeikaitė, L., Rutkienė, A., Žydžiūnaitė, V., Jensen, M. T., Rekstad, T., Košir, M., … Avguštin, L. (s.d.). Participatory action research (PARr) guide for school wellbeing: A guide for implementing participatory action research (PAR) in the daily life of educational institutions, especially kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Teaching to BE; Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
  • Schrank, B., Dörfler, S., Karrer, H., Ornaghi, V., Conte, E., Cavioni, V., Barqueira, A., Pacheco, P., Reis-Jorge, J., Ferreira, M., Baltazar, I., Šukytė, D., Raudienė, I., Žadeikaitė, L., Rutkienė, A., Žydžiūnaitė, V., Jensen, M. T., Rekstad, T., Košir, M., … Avguštin, L. (s.d.). Guia de investigação-acção participativa (IAP) para o bem-estar escolar: Um guia para a implementação da investigação-ação participativa (IAP) na vida quotidiana das instituições educativas, especialmente nos jardins-de-infância e nas escolas primárias e secundárias. Teaching to BE; Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


Book Chapter:

  • Reis-Jorge, J., Pacheco, P., Ferreira, M., Barqueira, A., & Baltazar, I. (2024). School climate and teachers` professional wellbeing in Portugal: A school climate analytical framework (SCAF). In B. Martinsone, M. T. Jensen, C. Wiesner, & K. A. Zechner (Eds.), Teachers` professional wellbeing: A digital game based social-emotional learning intervention, (pp. 81-104). Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. doi.org/10.35468/6091-04





  • Ferreira, M., e Reis-Jorge, J. (2024). Teaching to Be – Supporting Teachers` Professional Growth and Wellbeing in the Field of Social and Emotional Learning – Enquadramento e Abordagem Metodológica, Conferência Final do Projeto Erasmus KA3: Teaching to Be – Supporting Teachers` Professional Growth and Wellbeing in the Field of Social and Emotional Learning, promovido pela Escola de Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano, do Instituo Superior de Educação e Ciências (ISEC Lisboa), Campus Académico do Lumiar, 20 de Janeiro de 2024.
  • Pacheco, P., Barqueira, A., Reis-Jorge, J., Ferreira, M. & Baltazar, I. (2024). Desenvolvimento profissional: Bem-estar, satisfação no trabalho e saúde dos professores. Conferência “A Boa Educação na Escola: Perspetivas, Práticas e Desafios”, Promovida pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação na Universidade do Porto, 8-13 de Janeiro de 2024, modalidade online.
  • Pacheco, P., Barqueira, A., Reis-Jorge, J., Ferreira, M. & Baltazar, I. (2023). The teachers’ role as co-constructor of an online course to improve teachers’ professional wellbeing, Barcelona Conference on Education, organizada pelo International Academy Forum (iafor), Barcelona, Espanha, 19-23 de Setembro de 2023.

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