SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING – challenges for teaching


Researchers: Marco Ferreira, José Reis Jorge, Gustau Olcina-Sempere
Students: Sara Batalha, Rita Fernandes, Maria Filipa Pinheiro, David Santiago



The project’s objectives are:

  1. To understand the conceptions concerning social-emotional learning;
  2. To describe the teaching practices associated with social-emotional learning in the classroom context; and,
  3. Develop and implement training plans for the development of social-emotional skills and teacher well-being.

This project has the participation of four ISEC Lisboa’s students and is part of one of the two Strategic Axes defined in ISEC Lisboa’s Scientific Policy of 2019-2025 – namely the Strategic Axis 2 – Training and Professional Development – as well as of the fields of action of ISEC Lisboa’s Strategic Development Plan, defined in the Strategic Development Vector (VeDE) 2 – “Knowledge”.

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